The embedding method uses an absorbable surgical thread that is embedded in acupuncture to continuously stimulate them for 24 hours, achieving the result of long-term acupuncture to condition the patient’s physical state. It is a byproduct of acupuncture and helps repair circulation and regulation. It is completely okay to resume daily activities afterward and has little to no side effects.
If the embedding method is used for weight loss, it can be directed at different acupoints on the body like arms, abdomen, or thighs. Each embedding trigger lasts for half a month and has little to no recovery period, nor side effects and pain. This is especially convenient for office workers or those with busy schedules. However, it is still recommended to listen to the doctor’s suggestions!
What are the advantages of the embedding method in TCM?
1. Long-lasting type of acupuncture that stimulates the acupoints 24 hours a day
2. Treatment lasts for about half a month
3. The thread embedded in the acupoints is absorbable.
4. Little to no side effects or pain
5. Convenient for those with busy schedules, no need for follow-up appointments
6. No recovery period, can resume daily activities immediately