Personalized Treatments
Advanced Technological Support
Ladies First: Priority for Women's Care
NUWA's all-encompassing medical team is centered around female-oriented integrated healthcare, or FEMTECH, and evidence-based medical nutrition treatment implementing both Western and Chinese medicine. We offer cutting-edge reproductive cell storage technology to increase IVF success rates and provide the best services in the greater APAC region. NUWA's team was created with not only the support of world-class medical technology, but also with the team's concept of offering refined psychological care to our patients. Our purpose is to create a personalized plan for you.
NUWA aims to create the best female-oriented care in Asia, providing a personal touch to the comfortable and private environment. The team of Western and Chinese medicine practitioners, as well as reproductive specialists, also offers refined psychological care to every individual.
NUWA Medical Team
Technological Care Platform
VIP Clinic
Individualized Fertility Care
International-grade Embryology Lab