Traditional Chinese Medicine

Egg Nurturing


TCM provides herbs and acupuncture, alongside diet adjustments and lifestyle changes, to assist in nurturing the overall health. This would improve egg quality, and increase pregnancy and implantation rates. The follicles within a woman's ovaries will take around 85 days to mature and release, so it is typically recommended to make these changes 3 months prior.
After the age of 40, the rate of poor-quality eggs exceeds 50%. Aging itself does not cause chromosomal abnormalities, but rather, the maturation process of eggs shortly after ovulation does. The purpose of nourishing eggs is to reduce the chances of errors occurring in eggs before ovulation. 

Egg nurturing tips 1: Diet adjustment
(1) It is recommended to adapt to a Mediterranean diet consisting of high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals, and rich dietary fiber. 
(2) Avoid consuming food that is high in sugar and oil, like cookies, desserts, sugary drinks, and fried food
(3) Consume food that is high in nutrients, such as 
High-quality protein
- Effect: assist in follicle development and egg quality
- Source: eggs, beans, fish, chicken, and seafood

Folic acid 
- Effect: assist in follicle development and the development of the fertilized egg's nervous system
- Source: dark leafy greens (spinach, sweet potato leaves, broccoli), nuts, pork liver, and black beans

- Effect: prevent anemia and maintain health 
- Source: red meat (beef, pork liver, and pork blood in moderation), red cabbage, red amaranth, red beans, sesame, and cherries 

Vitamin D
- Effect: assist in follicle development, essential to improving egg quality 
- Source: more sun, mackerel, salmon, mushrooms (shiitake, maitake, etc)

- Effect: improve egg quality and ovarian function
- Source: salmon, tuna, peanuts, pistachio, spinach, broccoli, and olive oil

- Effect: increase egg development and maturity, and improve egg quality
- Source: whole grains (brown rice, oat) cabbage, and citrus fruits 

Egg nurturing tips 2: Avoid staying up late 
Staying up late causes hormonal imbalance and increases inflammation within the body, and in turn, will affect follicle development and decrease egg quality. It is best to sleep before 11 PM, allowing the body to rest and heal. 

Egg nurturing tips 3: Moderate and routine exercise 
Routine exercise can significantly improve ovarian function and overall health. Jogging, aerobic exercises, and yoga are great starters, but it is also important to exercise in moderation to prevent harming the body. According to research, excessive exercise accelerates the production of free radicals and increases oxidative stress in the body. This will attack follicle cells and decrease their egg quality. 
Aside from exercise, TCM also offers acupuncture to increase metabolism and circulation. 

Egg nurturing tips 4: Sufficient water intake 
Water assists in metabolizing waste, promoting circulation, and nutrient transport. This helps maintain normal follicle development. Therefore, it is recommended to drink enough water (your body weight x 30 ml) per day to nurture egg and follicle health. For example, a 50kg adult would need to consume 1500 ml of water per day.