Traditional Chinese Medicine



Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory condition where endometrial tissue grows outside the uterine cavity. When this tissue accumulates in the ovaries, it forms "chocolate cysts" (endometriomas), and when it infiltrates the uterine muscle, it leads to adenomyosis.

The exact cause of endometriosis remains unclear, but it is commonly associated with hormonal imbalances, immune factors, and genetic predispositions. Common symptoms include severe dysmenorrhea, a sense of pelvic heaviness, and persistent diarrhea, especially if the endometrial tissue adheres to the intestines, leading to menstrual-related gastrointestinal cramping.

TCM treatment for endometriosis aims to improve abdominal circulation, regulate the immune system, and reduce inflammation, thereby normalizing endometrial growth. Given how complex endometriosis is, treatment typically involves a combination of different herbs, acupuncture, moxibustion, and thread embedding therapy, tailored to each patient's constitution.

Common Classifications
In TCM, endometriosis is considered a condition of "blood stasis" leading to pain, with long-standing stasis forming nodules and masses. Patients with endometriosis can be further classified into two subtypes: cold-induced stasis and heat-induced stasis, along with kidney deficiency.
Cold-Induced Stasis:
Symptoms: Sensitivity to cold, cold extremities, dysmenorrhea with the consumption of cold or raw foods. Menstrual pain is alleviated by applying heat. Menstrual blood is often dark with clots.
Heat-Induced Stasis:
Symptoms: Aversion to heat, elevated basal body temperature during menstruation, menstrual pain unrelieved by heat application. Menstrual blood is bright red with clots.

Daily reminders: 
Endometriosis is an effect of hormonal and immunity inflammation and is not recommended for replenishment during this time to further harm the body. It is recommended to consume more ginger and warm food for those with a weak and cold constitution, and for those with a more inflamed system, it is best to consume a lighter diet with more vegetables.  

It is also recommended to consume more green and leafy vegetables and citrus fruits to increase vitamin D, Omega-3, and antioxidants. Having sufficient sleep, rest, exercise, and maintaining a good mood is also helpful during treatment.