Traditional Chinese Medicine

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)


Symptoms of PCOS
Irregular menstruation, low menstrual flow and amenorrhea, infertility, excess body hair, obesity, acne 

Indications of PCOS
The 2003 Rotterdam criteria have been most used clinically: 
Two of the three criteria must be met: 
1. Irregular menstruation 
2. Blood tests or symptoms show high androgen (hirsutism, acne, male baldness, etc.)
3. Polycystic ovaries in ultrasound examination

PCOS Classifications
Spleen Deficiency with Phlegm and Dampness (Obesity Type)
Symptoms: Delayed menstruation or amenorrhea, obesity, excess hair, diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems, chest tightness, fatigue, and sticky mouth sensation
Treatment: Strengthen the spleen and resolve phlegm to promote conception

Liver Qi Stagnation (Normal Weight Type)
Symptoms: Irregular menstruation, premenstrual breast and hypochondriac distention and pain, emotional depression or irritability, alternating constipation and diarrhea
Treatment: Soothe the liver, regulate Qi, and harmonize menstruation to promote conception

Ying Deficiency with Excess Heat (Thin Type)
Symptoms: Irregular menstruation, lower back soreness, dizziness, tinnitus, tidal fever, night sweats, dry mouth and throat, insomnia, and forgetfulness
Treatment: Nourish the kidney Ying and enrich the kidney essence to promote conception

Daily reminders: 
1. The lack of periods for PCOS patients is a lack of ovulation, not a lack of blood flow from the uterus.
2. TCM treatments usually last 3-6 months, which is a bit different from Western medicine. TCM tries to assist the body in regulating routine menstruation and ovulation. 
3. Patients need to control their intake of carbs and sugar and increase their intake of fruits and vegetables in moderation. 
4. Not all PCOS patients need to lose weight, only those with a higher BMI or higher waist circumference. But that doesn't mean exercise isn't necessary! PCOS patients must regulate their hormones and menstruation. 
5. Swimming, jogging, and aerobic exercises are best for routine exercises. 
6. Diet control and aerobic exercises can improve symptoms of hormone imbalances, leading to a more regular ovulation cycle.