
Successful Try On IVF #8!

Dr. Shiao Hsuan Yang


Repeated implantation failure during IVF treatment is an extremely difficult challenge for every doctor. Despite advancements in reproductive medicine, our understanding is still limited, and no doctor can guarantee success on the first try for everyone. While younger women have a high chance of getting pregnant on their first attempt with IVF due to current medical technologies, older women or younger patients who face repeated failures should receive focused care and support from fertility centers.

Repeated implantation failure is one of the toughest challenges in IVF treatment!

When this couple came to my clinic, they had already gone through four egg retrievals and seven embryo transfers. When faced with a difficult case, it's my habit to carefully review all the previous treatment records and medical histories to find any clues. I often tell my patients that every effort made by previous doctors is important. Although these past treatments may feel like failures to the patients, experts see things differently. After all, who wouldn’t want their patient to succeed?

During the review process, I always see the dedication and thought processes of other doctors, the adjustments made during treatments, and the different medications considered. With this valuable information, doctors can better plan the next course of treatment, accept the challenge, and genuinely hope to help their patients succeed.

The 8th attempt: An emotional homecoming with their baby

On their 8th try, this couple finally succeeded and welcomed their baby! They brought their adorable baby back to Yiyun, who I heard is very well-behaved. The parents are truly blessed! Dr. Xiaoxuan and the team were so moved and had to share this joyful story with everyone, especially those still striving to become parents. Let’s all share this good fortune! 💪❤️

mother holding baby

successful IVF attempt