
46yr Woman Pregnant After TCM Condoning

Dr. Hsiang Ping Lee


46-year-old Ms. C, married for 5 years, is a busy elementary school teacher. She experiences a lot of work-related stress, often goes to bed late, and has limited sleep. Over the past 2-3 years, she underwent multiple IVF treatments, with four embryo transfers, but was still unable to successfully bring home a baby.

Uterine fibroids and ovarian failure resulted in a successful pregnancy through herbal medicine, acupuncture, and umbilical therapy

Ms. C had the following conditions:

✅ Uterine fibroids
✅ Recurrent ovarian cysts
✅ Ovarian failure (AMH: 1.1)
✅ High prolactin levels
✅ Elevated blood sugar

After medical exams, it was discovered she also had thin endometrium issues (0.7-0.8 cm). Last year, she came to NUWA TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) in Taichung and consulted Dr. Hsiang Ping Lee to focus on improving her uterus health. Based on her symptoms, tongue diagnosis, and pulse examination, she was diagnosed with a qi and yin deficiency combined with phlegm dampness, and liver fire. She visited the clinic weekly for herbal medicine, acupuncture, and umbilical therapy treatments. After more than a month of treatment, her endometrial thickness reached 0.9 cm before her embryo transfer.

Congratulations on the golden three lines!

Recently, she shared the joyous news with an ultrasound image of her precious baby. The road to having a child was full of ups and downs and challenges, but we were with her every step of the way, identifying issues and carefully treating them. As long as you don't give up, we will always be here for you.

Successful pregnancy