
Welcoming A Baby After POF and Low AMH

Cheng Hsuan Wu D. Medical Director


We recently received the cutest photo of a smiling baby from our patients, who had a hard time conceiving. Looking at the photo, we can’t help but feel touched. 

Thinking back on the couple’s consultation, they’ve already gone through several IVF treatments at known hospitals and clinics. After a blood test, the wife realized she has a very low ovarian reserve (AMH), with only a number of 0.16. To their despair, even with ovulation stimulation, only one or two eggs were retrieved each time during egg retrieval surgery.

And through fate, they came to our clinic. After a detailed consultation and explanation, we arrived at the conclusion of using embryo accumulation to increase pregnancy rate.

The process of embryo accumulation is extremely tiresome and exhausting. Because the number of eggs that are retrieved isn’t significant, and poses the risks of the eggs not fertilizing or failed cultivation processes. The only way to go around it is to keep arranging treatments and retrieving eggs; our team and myself were all very distressed, we desperately wanted to help her. 

I believe only those who have gone through the same thing understand the hardships of this treatment.

After some time, they have finally successfully conceived! After that many months, tears of joy streamed down their faces. 

I am so proud of her courage and while it was hard to see her go through rounds of injections, I still want to thank the couple for their trust. The sun always shines after the rain, they’ve finally got what they wanted!