
Graduating From the Infertility Clinic!

Cindy Chan Director


Someone is about to graduate from the infertility clinic and move on to the OB clinic… ?
Mrs. C is 33 years old and has been trying to get pregnant for 4-5 years. All of the initial fertility exams were normal except for the husband’s low sperm count (6 x 10^6). 
Yes this is a sensitive subject most men do not like to talk about or face, but her husband was very straightforward and willing to openly discuss their options. ?????? 
After a thorough discussion about which treatment option would provide the highest success rate for them, they decided to go for IVF. 

Given Mrs.C had a good ovarian reserve (AMH 4.16), she was able to retrieve 21 eggs from this cycle which were later fertilized and cultured into 6 beautiful blastocyst embryos. 
We transferred the top two the following month and though the possibility of both implanting was suspected from her HCG levels, only one gestational sac developed. ?? 

Through the next two months, we saw the growth from just a sac to a visible heartbeat to the inklings of a head and torso with stubby arms and legs (like Doraemon)❤️ Last week they have graduated from the infertility clinic and will be receiving their first prenatal exam.?