Donor/ Recipient



//Common Questions//

1. Does it hurt? 
You might experience some discomfort during injection, but you will not experience pain during the egg retrieval procedure (with anesthesia).

2. Is egg donation harmful to my body? 
It is safe to undergo the procedure and properly follow the instructions in the hospital that are approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

3. Is it necessary to administer the injection daily? 
It depends on the medication the hospital decides to prescribe. NUWA Fertility Center uses Elonva (Corifollitropin alfa), so usually, only 3 shots are needed.

4. Will I receive any meals or nutrition allowance?
We will provide meals and a nutrition allowance (NT$99,000) on the day of your egg donation.

5. Can I be diagnosed or treated by a female doctor? (It might be more comfortable for me.)
All processes will be performed by experienced doctors and nurses.

6. When will I receive this procedure? Daytime or nighttime?
The egg retrieval procedure needs to be performed during the daytime. Other procedures can be arranged depending on your schedule, though it is strongly recommended to undergo this procedure in the afternoon to save you time.


1. Can I donate eggs if I am overweight or underweight?
Generally speaking, the ideal BMI is recommended to be between 14 - 24. The medication might differ depending on your height and weight.

2. Can I donate eggs if I am under birth control medication?
It depends on the condition and medication in which you are prescribed. Please inform our doctors if you are taking any medication. Please also note that some medications might interfere with the drugs used in the procedure and would need to discontinue the use of your medication.

3. Can I donate eggs if I have a contraceptive device?
There are many kinds of contraceptive devices. Some devices contain hormonal ingredients that might interfere with the drugs used in the procedure and would need to be taken out. Please inform our doctors if you are using the devices.

4. Can I donate eggs if I am under both Chinese and Western medication?
It depends on the ingredients of the medicine. You can donate eggs if the medicines do not interfere with the drugs. Please inform our doctors if you are taking any medication. 

5. Can I donate eggs if I have not had sexual intercourse before?
Yes, but please note that it might affect the hymen.

6. Can I donate eggs if I’m taking iron agents? 
Yes, if your hemoglobin (Hbg) is over 12 and has been evaluated by the doctors.

7. Can foreigners donate eggs in Taiwan?
Yes, people who are eligible for egg donation can donate eggs in Taiwan. 

8. Can I donate eggs if I’m married or have a child?
Yes, people who are eligible for egg donation can donate eggs. The law does not require the two parties to reach a consensus first, but please reach a consensus with each other to avoid a dispute.


1. How long does it take? 
We will contact you within 1-3 business days, then arrange the check-up time 
The results will take 7-14 days 
The matching process will take 1-3 months
The egg retrieval procedure will be performed in 2 weeks after receiving treatments

2. Are there any rules or instructions I should be aware of? 
Please inform our doctors if you are taking any sort of medication, visit our doctors on time, and take the prescribed medication on time.

3. How many times will I need to visit the doctor?
Generally speaking, you will be required to visit your doctor 2-4 times, though it may depend on your condition.

4. How long does each visit take? 
Generally speaking, each visit takes around 2-3 hours. The registration fee is waived for people who want to donate eggs

5. What check-ups should I receive for egg donation? Would I need to pay out of pocket? 
Check-ups are complimentary at NUWA Fertility Center, including AMH, HIV, VDRL, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Chromosome Examination. 

6. Can I provide health check reports from other hospitals? 
Yes, you can provide health check reports that were done within 6 months. 

7. Do I need to get an injection by myself?
Generally speaking, you will need to inject by yourself. You can also book an appointment and our nurse will assist you in the injection. (We use Elonva, usually only 3 shots are required.)

8. Is successful pairing required for me to be able to donate eggs? 
Yes, it is necessary due to Taiwan’s policies and requirements. 

9. How is the egg retrieval procedure performed?
You will be administered anesthesia (IVG), and then our doctors will use ultrasound to locate your ovaries for egg retrieval. The operation usually takes about 15-20 minutes. 

10. Is there any preparation before the egg retrieval procedure? 
Fasting for 8 hours before surgery 
1 adult accompaniment is required
Do not wear makeup and contact lenses 

11. Is there anything to be aware of after the egg retrieval procedure?
Rest for 1-2 hours after the procedure 
Receiving an evaluation before leaving the clinic
Drink lots of water 
Avoid strenuous exercises and any sexual intercourse
Try to rest as much as possible


1. Are there any risks associated with egg donation?
Generally speaking, it is very safe. But like most procedures, it does contain some risk. Opt for a hospital with advanced equipment and an experienced medical team to avoid OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome). 
NUWA Fertility Center with advanced equipment and an experienced medical team you can trust.

2. What is OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome)? 
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome is an exaggerated response to excess hormones. It usually occurs when women take injectable hormonal medications to stimulate the development of eggs in the ovaries. OHSS causes the ovaries to swell and become painful.

3. Will the egg donation procedure leave scarring? 
The egg retrieval procedure is minimally invasive. Our doctors will gently guide a needle attached to a catheter through the vaginal wall. One by one, the eggs will be drawn out using light suction. After the egg retrieval procedure is complete and the needle removed, there may be some light bleeding, and the medical team will be prepared to apply some pressure or, on rare occasions, use a cauterizing agent to quell the bleeding. That’s it! No stitches. No scars.

4. Can egg donation cause early menopause? 
Fortunately, no. Menopause is a point in time when the menstrual cycle stops because of the natural depletion of a woman’s eggs as she ages.

5. Are there any symptoms after egg donation?
Due to the procedure’s hormonal medication, you may expect a period about 7-10 days after the procedure, which may be heavier, contain more cramping, and may arrive earlier or later than normal since your hormone levels are higher and your uterine lining gets thicker in a stimulation cycle compared to that of a natural menstrual cycle. It will return to normal after 1-2 cycles!

6. Can egg donation affect future fertility?
No, there has never been evidence that egg donation affects future fertility. When you donate eggs, your body might mature more eggs per cycle. But here’s the thing: every cycle, your body matures several eggs and only one or two make it out to ovulation. The other unmatured eggs get reabsorbed back into your body and disappear. The only difference in an egg donation cycle is that your body matures all of those eggs at once. In the end, you have the same amount of eggs left in your reserve that you would’ve had before you donated eggs. 

7. Will egg donation affect body weight?
No, there has never been evidence that egg donation affects body weight. Sometimes even if you’re on your normal diet, you might experience bloating and water retention due to the nature of the hormonal medication, but it will pass.

//Ethics related//

1. Is it possible for my relatives to become the recipient? 
No, the HPA in Taiwan will confirm the relationship before starting treatments.

2. Will the recipient know who donated the eggs?
No, the policy in Taiwan states that the institution will only provide the blood type, race, and skin color of the donor. Other information will be kept confidential.

3. Can I choose the recipient? 
No, the policy in Taiwan states that the information containing the donor and the recipient will be kept confidential.

4. Is it possible my child will marry close relatives?
According to Taiwan’s government, the chances of it happening are close to 1/50,000,000, which is lower than the chance of winning the lottery. There is more information regarding this concern on the HPA website.

//Knowledge Station//

1. How many times can I donate eggs in a lifetime?
Due to Taiwan’s policy, the qualified donor can only be allowed to donate eggs once. (The recipient would need a live birth. If the recipient chooses to keep the frozen embryos without achieving a live birth, the donor is eligible to donate again.)

2. Can I request to return the eggs after the donation?
Taiwan’s policy states that you may ask to return the eggs in some cases. For example, If the donor has been diagnosed infertile, the donor may ask to return the eggs that have not yet been destroyed. 

3. Are there any diet suggestions before egg donation?
Consume unseasoned, natural food that is high in protein, and take 2L of water each day
Avoid red meat (beef, lamb, and pork), whole milk, flatulence food, and too much sodium
4. Any suggestions for daily routine?
Try to keep a normal schedule. (Avoid staying up late, maintain a normal eating schedule, no diets, regular exercise, avoid strenuous exercise, and have no sexual intercourse 3 days before the egg retrieval.)