Instrument Introduction


Air pollution has become a public nuisance, and airborne particles and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are everywhere. The rates of embryo implantation and pregnancy are also affected by air quality. NUWA Lab cares for every detail and factor that might affect the chances of pregnancy. 

The Bipolar ionization system at NUWA Lab is certified by CE, TUV, and SGS. When bipolar ionization is deployed in a space, the positive and negative ions will surround air particles. The multiple precision sensors monitor air quality 24 hours a day and then split the molecules in the air into positively and negatively charged ions that can:

1. Ionization: Split into O2- and H+, similar to when they split into H+ and OH- 

2. Sterilization: Removing hydrogen from other molecules. Hydrogen is a key component to the actual structure of the viral protein coat, and without it, the virus cannot infect it. With a change in the key’s shape that resulted from the removal of hydrogen, it can no longer fit in the lock and infect us

3. Deodorization: Rapidly oxidize odors in the air and neutralize and decompose chemical pollution gasses

4. Agglutination: Condense tiny dust and improve filtration efficiency

5. Balance electric charge: The positive and negative ions surrounding air particles maintain a balanced charge