Instrument introduction


Human sperm, ovum, and embryos are microscopic. It requires the assistance of an optical microscope to perform various reproductions. With the advanced ZEISS Reproductive Medicine Microscope System, NUWA Lab can perform various reproductive medicine treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), and assisted hatching and spindle view.

ZEISS Reproductive Medicine Microscope System consists of three parts:

“ZEISS Microscope” It has an improved IHCM image contrast system that provides clear and detailed images. Patent PlasDIC technology enhances image stereo with high-definition video output that can observe details clearly and determine the location accurately. The efficiency of ICSI can be improved.

“Microscopic Operating Arm” NUWA Lab imported the latest generation of NARISHIGE operating system MTK-1 from Japan, which is specially designed for sperm, ovum, and embryo. The advanced technology allows the embryologist to precisely locate where it is. It also allows artificial reproduction procedures to more closely resemble the natural growth of embryos.

“Heated stage” The TOKAT HIT microscopic automatic temperature control system from Japan provides precise and stable temperature control that can perform a variety of assisted reproduction of sperm, ovum, and embryo operations.