Reproductive Services

Embryo Implantation


According to Taiwan's Assisted Reproductive Law, a maximum of four embryos can be implanted at a time during IVF procedures. If there are extra high-quality embryos after implantation, they can be preserved through freezing technology. These frozen embryos can be thawed and implanted in the future when you want to conceive again, sparing you the pain of taking ovulation-inducing injections and undergoing egg retrieval surgery.

In what situations is embryo freezing suitable?
✅ There are extra good-quality embryos during the treatment
✅ Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) is being performed on the embryos
✅ The uterus is not in an optimal condition for embryo implantation after egg retrieval
✅ To avoid ovarian hyperstimulation

Restrictions on the use of frozen embryos:
✅ Frozen embryos must be destroyed after 10 years of storage according to the law. However, with written consent from the gamete provider, the storage period can be extended.
✅ If one of the spouses dies or the marriage is dissolved, the embryos must be destroyed according to the law.


1. Will freezing embryos affect the child?
According to most research reports, children born from frozen embryos show no significant differences in congenital chromosomes or developmental abilities compared to other children.

2. Does freezing embryos affect success rates?
Embryo-freezing technology has been developed for many years, progressing from slow-freezing methods to today's vitrification techniques. As long as the process is performed by skilled embryologists, the freezing and thawing process will cause almost no harm to the embryos. Statistically, the pregnancy rate from thawed embryos can even be higher than that of fresh embryos because the uterine lining environment is relatively better.