
As Little Medication As Possible

Cindy Chan Director


Baby on the way!?? 

Ms.W is 39 years old and her first-born is already 2 years old. Her first pregnancy was done by IVF and she had lots of Day 3 embryos waiting for her in the freezer. 

This year the couple decided to try for a second child by transferring some of the remaining embryos. But because she was still breastfeeding once in awhile, she wished for a treatment with the least amount of medications. 

She underwent a natural cycle (less medications but more blood tests) transfer earlier this year and transferred four Day 3 embryos, but unfortunately there was no pregnancy.? 

After the IVF subsidy came out, she came to visit me at Nuwa, and we decided to try a natural cycle again. The first month we tried did not go so well. Despite normal hormone levels, her follicles grew very very slowly and we decided to cancel. 

The following month, she was ovulating normally and we could finally arrange the transfer! But to fulfill the subsidy requirements, we could only transfer two embryos, and she had a total of six remaining Day 3 embryos. After a long discussion, with input from our professional embryologists, we cultured the four best Day 3 embryos to Day 5 and let nature take its course, allowing only the strongest to survive. 

After careful timing of ovulation and the embryo thawing and culturing, we were able to transfer the two best embryos (one blastocyst, one morula). 

Two weeks later, two little lines showed up!?? 
And now she is on her way to prenatal exams at the OB. 

Each patient's situation is different and we do our best to accomodate each patient's different needs. Let us find what is best for you!! 

Dr. Cindy's IVF Diary: