
Successful Pregnancy From Japanese Egg Recipient!

Dr. Huai Ling Wang


After accepting the idea of egg donation, you try every possible method, but your endometrial lining still won't exceed 7mm before the final stage of embryo transfer. Would you continue to persist?

After 15 failed IVF attempts, she crossed the sea from Japan to Taiwan to achieve her dream through egg donation

This client was referred by a Japanese doctor to undergo egg donation in Taiwan after trying IVF no less than 15 times without success. Ultimately, she accepted the recommendation to cross the ocean for egg donation in Taiwan.

Following an online consultation and traveling to Taiwan for sperm collection, several quality blastocysts were created. However, just before reaching the finish line, her endometrial thickness repeatedly stalled at only 5 or 6mm, resulting in three months of setbacks, leaving her feeling utterly discouraged. 😢

With an endometrial thickness of only 6mm, she successfully conceived on her first transfer to Taiwan.

Although the endometrial thickness was still only 6mm on the fourth attempt at preparation, encouraged by her Japanese doctor, she proceeded with her first embryo transfer in Taiwan—and it worked!

Since meeting with the Japanese doctor last summer, all the Japanese clients he referred to me have successfully graduated from treatment, and others are still undergoing their journeys. I am deeply grateful for his support and look forward to continued cooperation between Taiwan and Japan in helping more families fulfill their dreams of happiness!

Successful pregnancy!