Donor/ Recipient



An egg donation service involves when a younger egg donor provides her eggs to a recipient for an IVF treatment, with the recipient conceiving naturally. NUWA Fertility Center selects the quality of the eggs by the highest international standards. Young egg donors of all blood types provide eggs for the recipient's IVF treatment to shorten the process for a successful pregnancy. According to HPA’s statistics, more than 13,000 cycles of IVF treatments have been carried out by egg donation in the past five years. 

NUWA's Egg Donor Program Process:

1. Initial visit consultation
- Consultation 
- Receive consent form

2. Match 
- Notarization 
- Submit documents 
- Matching process (about 1-3 months)
- Evaluation 
- Successful match 

3. Treatment 
- Sperm collection 
- Fertilization/ Embryo culture/PGS(PGT-A)/Embryo freezing (depending on the condition)
- Implantation 

4. Follow-up 
- Pregnancy test ( 2 weeks after implantation) 
- Fetal heartbeat confirmation