Diluted semen can be stored at -196°C and be used successfully for more than 10 years after cryopreservation.
Who should consider semen storage?
1. Couples who want to receive artificial reproduction treatment but temporarily live in different locations
2. Men who want to receive a vasectomy
3. Those undergoing cancer, surgery, or medical procedures
4. Those with low sperm counts
5. Those who cannot provide semen on the day of ovum retrieval day
6. A semen donor
1. Before storing semen, you’ll be asked to abstain from sex for 2 to 4 days
2. Refrain from smoking and alcohol consumption
3. Please inform us if you are taking any medication
4. Do not use a condom to collect the semen
5. Please wash your hands before collecting the semen (do not use hand soap)
Examination hours:
◾ Mon – Sat , 8:00-11:30
◾ Mon – Fri , 13:30-15:00
Where should I collect the semen? Can I collect it at home?
We have a private room at the clinic so you can collect the semen at NUWA Fertility Center. For your convenience, you can also collect the semen at home, but you would need to deliver the specimen to our lab within 2 hours at normal temperature.
Please use the fertilized container to collect the semen.
Please do not use condoms to collect the semen.
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NUWA's Sperm Extraction Room :