Treatment Process Description
1. Starting treatment
Set an appointment during days 2-4 of the cycle. Receive a blood test (FSH, E2, P4, LH), AMH, and ultrasound test. Take medication to induce ovulation.
2. Inducing ovulation
Continue to take medication to improve follicle growth. Follow up with a blood test and ultrasound to determine the date for egg retrieval.
3. Egg retrieval and semen collection
The time for egg retrieval will be determined by the doctors. Medication to rupture the follicle (injection) will be 36 hours before egg retrieval.
Semen collection: It is necessary to abstain from any sexual intercourse for 2-4 days. It can also be collected on the day of egg retrieval. For your convenience, you can also collect the semen at home in advance but would need to keep the specimen at room temperature and deliver it to our lab within 2 hours.
Egg retrieval: The operation time is short, has no wounds, and is considered an outpatient surgery. (You’re able to discuss whether you need general anesthesia or not.)
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